LED display using pic 16f84

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New Member
hey there!

am doing an experiment bout running led display using pic 16f84 microcontroller but i dont know how! any idea/s?
ciao_king said:
hey there!

am doing an experiment bout running led display using pic 16f84 microcontroller but i dont know how! any idea/s?

Check my tutorials, they use the 16F628 rather than the obselete 16F84, it's cheaper and has more facilities - including an internal oscillator, which gives you 16 I/O pins.
Thanks! I will try later, but for now, since i am a beginner, i really need to learn how to program this microcontroller and hope you can help me......
ciao_king said:
Thanks! I will try later, but for now, since i am a beginner, i really need to learn how to program this microcontroller and hope you can help me......

Check the tutorials, the 628 is the modern replacement for the 84 and runs essentially the same code - there are a few very minor changes required, all my examples turn the comparators off to make the 628 act more like an 84. The fuse settings are different though, and the register start address may be different, a check on the datasheets and the 84 to 628 migration sheet will soon sort you out.
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