LED Matrix and 16F876 Board

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Finaly finished my LED Matrix board and 16F876 board after a little bit hard soldering job


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Now that looks very familiar!

Takes a while soldering all those LED's doesn't it?.

Looking good though.
Thanks Nigel, Yes and i did the LED matrix board over 2 or 3 weeks, all the track cuts the first day, some wirelinks one day and some another day and so on, and finaly all the led's the last two days. I have also built the one mainboard, one IRboard, keypad board, LCD board, Switch board and LED board,so far.
Oh! - I designed and built the board in a single afternoon!

Mind you, I've been soldering for a LONGGGGG! time!.
Nice work, I used the same technique which you do by adding jumpers on top of the vero board other than making messy in the underneath of the board.

I do this when I don’t have money to buy matrixes. I like home built led matrixes other than ready made ones.
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