I would agree with CZ, the 470R is too high a value, IIRC the UL requirement is about 15R thru 47R.
As ericgibbs suggested i modified the circuit with an inrush current limiter resistor of 47R Metal Oxide type flame proof and removed the elko cap and zener diode, because in case of zener fail the elko would explode. Also the safety cap is 0.1 witch leads to aprox 7mA to the LED, enough for this purpose especially if u use an high efficiency LED.
So in terms of safety if the LED fails there is basically no load.
If the X2 safety cap fails (this is self extinguishing) also the metal oxide inrush resistor will melt safely being flame proof, leaving an open circuit.
**broken link removed**
The circuit consume aprox 100mW, but for all who wants to build it (in the test phase) be aware that you are working with lethal voltage, all leads must be isolated with heat-shrink tubing including the LED. After circuit is switched off (if u switch off) must wait several minutes until the bleeder resistor discharge the safety cap.
Thank you all for posting. For any comment feel free to correct me if i'm wrong with something.