LED Timer circuit needed

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New Member
New electronic hobbiest looking for what I thought would be a simple and small circuit. I want a simple timer, that when I press a button will turn on one LED after 90 seconds, another at 2 minutes, and a third at 2.5. I need it as small as possible, and was thinking that an SCR and capacitor combo could do the timing, but I just don't have the background to figure it out on my own yet. Any advice or takers on a simple timer?
Have a look in the data scheed of the 4060

its a timer IC that gives different timed pulses on its out put when trigered

there are also a lot of circuits around on internet that make use of this IC

You'll find it at Radio Shack's "engineer's mini-handbook", cat. no. 276-5010, there is that and more.(sound like a commercial don't I?)
I wouldn't say that. If I had read real electronics books rather than those my electronics knowledge would have advanced further at a much younger age.
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