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Well-Known Member

Hey guys let say i have 2 leds in Parallel ... and 2 other leds in series...

If i supply 20mA to the both sets... will this be true:

A. 2 in parallel will take up 20mA(40mA) each (hence the need for 2 resistors)(but require less voltage overhead) (VDROP)
B. 2 in series take up only 20mA since in series.(require more voltage)(Vdrop *2)


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hi atom,
Each parallel LED will take 20mA, assuming both have their own resistor
In series 20mA total.
What are the LED colours and whats your supply voltage?
Let use these as the example(i have about 50 heh)

Blue ø 3mm Water-Clear LED 8000 mcd - dipmicro electronics

Forward Voltage 3.1V
Current Rating 25mA


A. Parallel will requre a minimum of 3.1v and 50mA for max brightness
B. Series will require a minimum of 6.2v and 25mA for max brightness

Correct? Its funny since i never noticed this... Very useful information for me now...
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