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Legalisation of Canabis

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Active Member
Elections in our contry are coming and it looks like party called "Pirates" could win.
They want to legalise cannabis. i think we will be brainwashed.
My (Dutch) son-in-law was intrigued that we give our cats 'cat nip' sometimes (weed for cats), and we buy it from a local garden centre. He was so intrigued that he was going to grow some over there, and bring it over next time he came - through Schiphol airport - what could possibly go wrong :D

We talked him out of it, although he did offer to bring some cannabis over instead - we also talked him out of that.
My (Dutch) son-in-law was intrigued that we give our cats 'cat nip' sometimes (weed for cats), and we buy it from a local garden centre. He was so intrigued that he was going to grow some over there, and bring it over next time he came - through Schiphol airport - what could possibly go wrong :D

We talked him out of it, although he did offer to bring some cannabis over instead - we also talked him out of that.
Personally, I only have two events with marijuana.
The first was still in elementary school, when a classmate (code-name idiot) planted several seeds in a flowerpot in class in about the fifth grade. The flower grew and one day the police came to school ...
The second in high school, when a friend tried to order seeds from aliexpress for fun (if they are real). The Chinese actually sold the original seeds =).
I forgot the third. When I was in the dorm, a boy was hiding marijuana in a computer case. He has a sister working for the police. One day I woke up in the morning and met a German shepherd looking for drugs in the hallway.
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In our local town, Chesterfield, a member of the public noticed that there was loads of cannabis growing on a large traffic island, just across from the police Station :D Made a nice story for the local, and national, press :D

Historically, it was always claimed that prisoners in jail always liked to keep a pet budgerigar, because much of the bird seed for them was cannabis seed, so you could plant it and pick out the cannabis plants :D According to the same claims, nowadays it's radiated to kill it so it can't grow.
BTW they want to legalise selling of this plants. More taxes, more money
BTW they want to legalise selling of this plants. More taxes, more money

I suspect that's usually the reason?. However, if by legalising it, making tax money from it, AND removing one criminal element from society I suppose it's a good thing?.

Never been interested myself though.

A very long time ago (back in the 70's) a friend of mine built a plastic sheet greenhouse, and planted tomatoes and cannabis in it. Just as it was getting ready, someone stole it all :D They left the tomatoes though.
I suspect that's usually the reason?. However, if by legalising it, making tax money from it, AND removing one criminal element from society I suppose it's a good thing?.

Never been interested myself though.

A very long time ago (back in the 70's) a friend of mine built a plastic sheet greenhouse, and planted tomatoes and cannabis in it. Just as it was getting ready, someone stole it all :D They left the tomatoes though.
They also wants to legalise prostitution.
prostitute business woman
They also wants to legalise prostitution.
prostitute business woman

Again, it's legal in the Netherlands :D

It's always gone on, it always will, why not tax it and legalise it?.

Funnily enough, the house next door to me to be used to be a brothel :D

Nobody mentioned it until after she'd moved - apparently the Police had listening equipment in my attic to gather evidence. Because she had her sister working with her they could charge her with running a brothel, so the sister left and it's then just "a woman cheating on her husband".

In court she said to the judge "I've earned £2500 in six weeks, what have you earned?" - and they fined her £60 - this was 40 years ago.

Mind you, she was REALLY nice :D
Remember that Cannabis is just the latin name for Hemp - the stuff that was a primary source of fibre for ropes (and many other things), just about since rope was invented.

If the stories are to be believed, and there is apparently quite a bit of historical evidence, "Marijuana" was only made illegal in the USA due to action by the then-new plastics manufacturers, that did not want the competition.

That's why the criminalisation campaign always called it Marijuana, never letting on that the word is just the Spanish name for Hemp/Cannabis - until the law was passed and the Hemp industry shut down virtually overnight.

[Edit - typo, should have said stories not stores.]
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They've legalised medical marijuana here in Aus. You can get a licence to grow it but have to have stupid security, government inspections and when it's mature the government harvest it and take it away. Sounds more like legalised mobsters to me.
BTW, tobacco is legal here yet many people grow their own (called chop-chop) due to the outrageous taxes.

If the stories are to be believed, and there is apparently quite a bit of historical evidence, "Marijuana" was only made illegal in the USA due to action by the then-new plastics manufacturers, that did not want the competition.

Kind of what they say, but it's told here in the US that it was William Hearst that got it criminalized. He had just bought a large acreage of forest to cut down and make into paper for his newspaper empire. But some one else discovered hemp/cannabis could be made into paper and could be grown cheaper and faster than the trees.

"Ok, enter William Randolph Hearst. Hearst's company was a major consumer of the cheap tree-pulp paper that had replaced hemp paper in the late 19th century. The Hearst Corporation was also a major logging company, and produced Du Pont's chemical-drenched tree pulp paper, which yellowed and fell apart after a short time. Fueled by the advertising sold to the petrochemical industries, Hearst Newspapers were also known for their sensationalist stories. Hearst despised poor people, black people, chinese, hindus, and all other minorities. Most of all he hated Mexicans. Pancho Villa's cannabis-smoking troops had reclaimed some 800,000 acres of prime timberland from Hearst in the name of the mexican peasants. And all of the low-quality paper the company planned to make by deforesting it's vast timber holdings were in danger of being replaced by low-cost, high quality paper made from hemp."
From -
Isn't hemp still available? It's a version that contains no THC so completely legal around the world. These sound like urban legends powered by the internet.

Isn't hemp still available? It's a version that contains no THC so completely legal around the world. These sound like urban legends powered by the internet.


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