lets have awards

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Why don't we just have some awards program every year like say:
1) best moderator of the year
2)most helpful moderator of the year
3)return of the year
4)most knowledgeable guy of the year
5)funniest guy of the year and etc etc etc..............like this
What is your plan for deciding who gets which award?
What is the purpose of the awards?
well we can have a polling session for this and this are just respects given to people so that they know their ability and perform better in ETO.this is just formal nothing much serious.
I think most of the members here are already aware of their abilities (or lack thereof ).
At the bottom right corner of each post you have a choice of 7 things you can click to indicate your opinion of a post. Isn't that enough?
This is a technical site. For people who really want 'likes', pats-on-the-back and other plaudits, Facebook and similar social sites are the places to hang out.
Frankly, there are way to many choices, both positive (5) and negative (2). Wouldn't just one positive -- if that many -- be enough?

As much as I dislike all of the advertising one must suffer whenever clicking on a video segment, I do like the Adobe one on marketing. Tried to link to it, but apparently Adobe doesn't want us to do that. Anyway, the moral of the skit was that you need to be careful where get your "clicks" and "likes" or you may end up in an orange jumpsuit. I like that perspective.

Something occurred to me in light of recent events in the US. A famous Justice on our Supreme Court (aka SCOTUS), Justice Scalia, died over the weekend. He was known for his "originalism." That is he had a way with words. Ina dissent, he referred to the majority's logic as pure "applesauce." Apparently, applesauce comes before bulls*** in the dictionary. Maybe in honor of Justice Scalia, "disagree" could be changed to "applesauce" to better differentiate it from dislike.

How about the services of a professional interior designer. The prize being new curtains for your workshop with matching decor and fittings
No, just trying to get a chuckle out of you. Seems to have worked.
I am a VERY serious person, I wish it known I DOT NO 'CHUCKLE'!!

I was looking for a pic on the hard drive, its a pic f my old workshop in Dvon, I was under the control of mum so my workshop had curtains lol
Actually if you had a ground floor level window. Curtains would keep a possible thief from seeing what you might have in the workshop worth taking.

But, designer curtains, nah
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