LG tv model... 42 lg3000

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New Member
hi there, Ive got this 42 inch lcd .When you switch on you get a picture for a second (full video with sound ok) then it goes black but sound stays ok.I suspected inverter board...no luck....checked out psu ..seems ok....any ideas out there? ic 100 on av board seems to run hot...these lcds sets do my head in... regards brian.
There were a range of LG 42 inch sets where small blue capacitors go S/C or leaky - these are mounted INSIDE the panel (rather strangely!).

It was a common fault, and an obvious 'manufacturing defect', the examples I've seen were all given their money back (and left with the TV which was thrown away).

Check if you can smell burning at the LHS of the panel, looking from the back,
thanks for the info...im not sure what you mean "inside the panel" what panel?the customer did say he smelt burning.do you mean under the metalwork the boards are mounted on?
I was commenting on Nigels post, if the caps in the suspect LG 42" tv's are not accessible, thought it would have been a easy fix from the mfg,but if buried somewhere in the panel maybe not so.
thanks for the info...im not sure what you mean "inside the panel" what panel?the customer did say he smelt burning.do you mean under the metalwork the boards are mounted on?

No, inside the LCD panel - I did have a try, and stripped the entire LCD panel down, to find three or four capacitors burnt to pieces, and the PCB severely damaged - plus all the rest were blackened.
well thanks very much for the info...Its saved me a lot of time and money.they must have designed the thing with the notion of" lets hope they throw the set out" "lets hope they buy another one".
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