Light on the front screen of an alarm-clock

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New Member
Hi everyone!

I'm a very beginner with all the electronic stuff. I recently bought an alarm-clock which produces light on the front screen. It is impossible to turn it off with any configuration, you can just put the intensity down by clicking on the button which looks like a flat egg a few times. It is not pratictal because it illuminates the whole room. Would they be a way by changing something in the circuit that would turn the light of definitly. To resume, I would like to cut the light off definitly on the front sreen.

Could someone help me? Thanks a lot and have a nice day.


NB: I'm sorry for the size of the pictures. If you click twice on them, then they will be just the right size. I don't know how to do it in another way...

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You can simply put a switch in series with the led(s) that lights the LCD display.
The led(s) will be on either end on the LCD.

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