Light Sound Trigger

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I think i got the final circuit if i did the simulation correct
i didn't manage to make the sound trigger to work with 3v battery so I'll use two instead. The sensitivity level is set by the potentiometer...
so i need experts opinion on this, do you think will work?


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Which circuit do you intend to use? The first one will have an output of Vcc/2 when there is no signal from the mic. I don't think that's the best way to do it. For the second, I don't know how U2 functions, so I can't comment.
I looked up U2. R2 and V1 have no apparent functions. Current amplification is best done with an inverting amp configuration.
In the Light circuit v1 represents the light intensity . It is necessary to simulate the photo diode (at least this is what i found in orcad documentation). With R1 R2 i try to split the output of the photodiode in two to have a better comparation with the inverting input of the op amp. This one is intended to work as a light/dark sensor.

In the sound circuit i use V1 to simulate the microphone.

I need to use both circuits as triggers for a camera shutter.

Thanks for reply

PS: the first time i raise the problem here
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In the sound circuit i use Q1 as a preamp and lmv721 as comparator. To adjust the sensitivity i use R2 (475KOhn is the measured value).
In the light sensor R1 adjust the sensitivity. you think that these circuits will do the job?

PS: In the common-emitter configuration the led will be lit when the op amp output is 0, right? in this case i have to use PNP 2N2907 instead of 2N2222?


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  • Light.JPG
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