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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

lm317 cant changing adjust pin voltage

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Try this simplified arrangement :-


  • VregIlimit.asc
    2.4 KB · Views: 145
Note that the current limit will not work when the output gets below 1.25V (e.g. a short).
Last edited:
Try this simplified arrangement :-
View attachment 124263
Working.. Also in simulation , also in appliance. Many Thanks.
But another problem is voltage drop of output. For example oıtput without load there is 24v. On 33ohm load , it drops to 14 v. I know this happens because of the no feedback. Although i change control voltage , output cant move back to 24v. Only goes about 20v.
What can i do for that issue ?
Did you measure the regulator input voltage when the load was 33 Ohms?
Is your circuit built on a breadboard?
Did you measure the regulator input voltage when the load was 33 Ohms?
Is your circuit built on a breadboard?
Yeah your right. Input is fallin about 25v. so 22-23v output becomes normal. I didnt notice input is falling ! It musnt be fall like that. Because i have 20,5v 11amps transformer. Huge transformer. Shouldnt expect voltage drop on input cause of that huge transformer.

And yes im currently tring on breadboard. First circuit was on printed board.
Transformer is like that one. Seperated two 115v primar winding. Out is 20,5v 11amps.
?? The transformer in the link has a 30V output rating.
A 20V transformer has a peak ouput voltage of 20*1.414 = 28V. A bridge rectifier will reduce that to about 26V under load.
Breadboards are not designed to handle high currents and their contact strips do not provide reliable connections. Some voltage drop might be experienced there.
What is the size of the filter capacitor at the rectifier output?
The transformer in the link has a 30V output rating.
Yup i know. Caıse of that i said that;sorry couldnt find my transformer on internet.
Transformer is like that one.
A bridge rectifier will reduce that to about 26V under load.

And yeah i forgot to calculate recrifier forward voltage drop.

After some arrengment i ll build circuit on printed board.

Many thanks for informations. Because of that i really love this forum. experiences talks , not assumptions. You guys doing great jobs.
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