lm6511 single comparator configured as sourcing output

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New Member
Hi all,

My question is in regard to the LM6511. This particular chip is an open collector output and has a separate GND pin from the normal opamp V+ and V- supplies. I was wondering if I can configure this to a sourcing output instead of sinking by tying the output to my positive supply and use the gnd pin as the output. Check out the attached image.

here is the datasheet: **broken link removed**

Thanks for any suggestions...


  • lm6511 sourcing output.png
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Read for yourself. LM6511 - 180 ns 3V Comparator
Thanks for the deep insight there brownout.

I wasnt thinking too clearly this morning... I realize the GND and V- are separate pins because it is a dual supply amp.

That won't work. Don't use an open collector amp if you want a sourcing one.
This doesn't make much sense. Are you saying an open collector PNP will not source?
If you had one with a PNP it would, but you don't. If you only want source current, you can use an amp with complementry outputs and just connect a diode in series with the output. Or, you can connect an external transistor, or just a pullup resistor. If I knew what you were trying to accomplish, I could make better recomendations.
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