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Logitech USB Headset - microphone static

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New Member
Hi guys,

Before I write off this USB headset as needing replacement, I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions as to how I might be able to repair it instead.

I'm using a headset very similar to the one below (probably identical, only difference seems to be colours), which I've had for a couple of years now. Recently I've been trying to use it for voice conversations online but I've had intermittent (maybe 80% of the time), very loud static which has made it impossible to hold a conversation.

**broken link removed**

I checked the obvious options and the speakers are fine, it's the microphone that's causing the static (I've also eliminated the software used to hold the conversation as the source: the microphone is fed back to the speakers in normal circumstances and I have been suddenly deafened while using the headset on occasion and had to switch the microphone off.)

Anyway, my question is pretty simple: any idea how I could take the microphone apart without damaging it? It doesn't look too easy... no screws or anything obvious, just a seam in the plastic casing. I've had bad experiences trying to pry seams in cases apart, they've often resulted in huge screwdriver-gouges in the casing :eek:

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :D
It appears that ur problem is due to sound from headphones entering into mic, creating +ve feedback. Like that happens in PA systems. Try using it at low volume levels. Also check inside wiring for short circuit as wires r very thin. To open headphones, usually there r small screws hidden under plastic covering at joints with U type metal ring. To remove plastic casing use small flat screwdriver, insert it in gap & lift form one side carefully. Like remote controller casing there r interlocked tabs which u have to unlock.
The solution depends on how it is wired. I am assuming that the wiring is analog all the way down to the button like pendant on the wire and that the A-D-USB is done there. The problem is most likely due to a broken wire and the wire is most likely partially broken where it flexes the most. ie: where it enters the headset or the pendant. It also might be broken where the boom enters the headband because it moves there too. A little wiggling and tugging, while listening, should isolate the spot.
It appears that ur problem is due to sound from headphones entering into mic

Unfortunately it's not as simple as that, it happens even when the headphone volume is very low, and starts suddenly for no apparent reason.

kchriste said:
The problem is most likely due to a broken wire and the wire is most likely partially broken where it flexes the most. ie: where it enters the headset or the pendant. It also might be broken where the boom enters the headband because it moves there too. A little wiggling and tugging, while listening, should isolate the spot.

That could well be the case, the wire has a habit of getting very badly twisted up. I don't know when the analogue/digital conversions are performed, but the 'pendant' has a volume control and a button for muting the microphone, so it's possible that's also handled here.

Either way, I'm guessing that it's much more likely that the faulty wire is on the analog side rather than the digital side so that gives me something to go on.

What I find particularly strange is I was able to hold a 5-hour conversation on skype with this headset and then it was impossible to talk at all the next day :eek: I'll have a go at trying to locate the damaged wire by 'wiggling' it next time I get the static.
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