Looking for any infomation on an LED Display...

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I just bought a pack of LED Displays and other displays but one of them has me totally stumped...

It's a 7 digit 7 segment LED display with this printed on it...

77L01 Three-Five SYS PH

I have looked on google and can find no infomation on this display and seeing I have 5 or 6 of them sitting in my junk box now, it seems a waste not to try to use them so does anyone know anything about this kind of display...

Thank you in advance.


P.S. on the bottom of the device there are 28 pins, 14 of them being short and 14 of them being long.
Usually what I do in this case is take a 560 ohm resistor and 5V supply and probe the sucker until I figure out the pinout by watching how it lights up. Probably multiplexed, so once you figure out the segments on one digit, the rest are easy.
Thanks kchriste, to tell you the honest truth I never thought of doing that because I was worried about damaging the display... Anyway I used a six volt power supply and a 1K Resistor. If you are interested in knowing you were right the device is multiplexed but the reason for all the extra pins was because this display came with a Led bar graph built into the bottom of it.

Could be very cool to tinker with if I can figure out a way to drive it seeing I've never used a multiplexed display before.

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