Looking for TEC EC-A063 Datasheet

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I'm looking for a datasheet for this component; I'm led to believe it is an amplifier of some sort. It's packaged in an 18-pin SIP measuring approx 62mm x 48mm (includes lead length in bent form); it's meant to be attached to a (likely large) heatsink.

My need for a datasheet for this component are many-fold, but I am really wondering what it is (is it really an amplifier - or something else?); the supplier I sourced this from has a boxful of them, selling them for $2.00 each - depending on what they are I just wanted to know if that was a fair price (and if so, a datasheet would come in handy to figure out how to hook one up, obviously).

Thanks to anyone who can help; attached are crappy (but legible, I think) scans of the part (front and back).


  • TEC_EC-A063_front.png
    909.8 KB · Views: 544
  • TEC_EC-A063_back.png
    826.2 KB · Views: 502
Probably a Sanyo part: This is the best I cam up with so far: **broken link removed**

and **broken link removed**
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Probably a Sanyo part: This is the best I cam up with so far: **broken link removed**

and **broken link removed**

I found similar stuff in a cursory search; the strange thing is that the above "datasheet" (which isn't useful - it's not a real datasheet, unfortunately) list a similar module as having only 9 pins; this module has 18 (maybe it's a dual package?) - of course, though, those 9 pins were also staggered (so a DIP-like package, 5 pins on one side, 4 on the other). Not sure what if anything that means.

It may be that this part is so out of date/obsolete that it is impossible to find anything for it; BTW - do you (or anybody else) know if "TEC" is simply Sanyo's electronics division name (or was at one time in the past)? When I did my search, I also found Sanyo listed, but I also saw TEC - hmm...

Thanks for the input; maybe it will help along the line.
I know this is old news but EC-A063 is a hybrid power supply module. Uses 24v ac in and generates 28v and 5v dc. If your still interested, I have a schematic but not a data sheet. They were made for Apple image writer printers and Citoh C315's. The stepper controller for the carriage motor was EC-A051 and again, I have a schematic but no data. They were not the most successful devices I have ever seen, especially the A063
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