Looking to build vibration sensor with peak output

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New Member
Ive got a project going on that involves some industrial components, and the effect that the impact has on the electrical equipment thats retrofitted inside. A giant spring is released inside, which gives off quite a vibration throughout everything. I'm trying to replicate the vibration, so in order to do that I need to measure the vibration.

I want to make a device that I can place on the outside frame, and gives me a peak value of the vibration when the spring is released. I'm thinking accelerometers is the direction I want to head, Im just not advanced enough to know what all I need. I can solder, but my background is mechanical engnieering so I don't have the knowledge I need. Thanks for your help
Just real quick and off the cuff I would be looking at accelerometers and charge amplifiers for the accelerometers. That followed by a recording means with a peak hold and capture. Measuring vibration (shake) really depends how deep you want to get into it. Axis is also important. Shock and Vibration measurment is the area you are getting into.

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