thermisor value is calucte using data from the datasheet
resistance =12k at 25 degree(according to datasheet
thermistor value=resitance at 25* Rt/R25
i dont know its correct or not
for example 12k*1.9=2280 (resistance at 10 degree according to datasheet).this is how i calculated.
as this is my first design and program ,iam totally a beginner in this field.
resistance =12k at 25 degree(according to datasheet
thermistor value=resitance at 25* Rt/R25
i dont know its correct or not
for example 12k*1.9=2280 (resistance at 10 degree according to datasheet).this is how i calculated.
as this is my first design and program ,iam totally a beginner in this field.