Low cost logic analyzer, small in size, big in features!

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Let me present to you this new Logic Analyzer, which we are selling for a special price for ETO members only!

**broken link removed** is logic analyzer, signal decoder and also a comprehensive digital signal generator, giving you a complete lab tool, all in one tiny package!

We are constantly working on adding new features. For example, recently, we added the capability to select a slice of a waveform, and have the software generate source code that would emulate this same waveform!

The device is really plug-n-play, since there is no any drivers needed! You just plug it and it works! just like any mouse or keyboard. We know many users who use it daily under MAC or LINUX using wines and virtual machines.

Before saying more, i encourage you to read/view those reviews to get more infos about SCANALOGIC-2:
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YouTube - Scanalogic 2 Logic Analyzer Review / Tutorial / Demo
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Now, if you decide to get your SCANALOGIC, we can offer you this 10% reduction coupon that can be used on our online store (IKAMARKET) : I7TX6I8PUCQS02M6VYDAA42J

Remember, this 10% coupon expires on the 31th of December!

If you have any further questions and comments, please don't hesitate to ask!


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who is the US distributor?

Here is the list of all distributors
**broken link removed**

In addition to this list, there is also Solarbotics in Canada.

By the way, i am still searching for distributors in south america, africa and india. If someone here know someone who know someone who might be interested, please let met know
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I'd buy it today if the software weren't windows only (as it appears to be - any idea if it works under Mono?)...
I'd buy it today if the software weren't windows only (as it appears to be - any idea if it works under Mono?)...

Dunno, but i know many users use it via virtual machines under Mac and Linux
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Dunno, but i know many users use it via virtual machines under Mac and Linux

Hmm - that's a possibility; will it run under Windows 98 (or something older than XP)? I don't have licenses for anything else.

What about the communications specification? Is there any way that someone else could write native software for it on another platform?

Older than XP.. i don't think so, it's .NET developement..

It uses HID for communication, but we are working on a multi platform software.. it just takes a lot of time ... i can't say when it will be ready
Ikalogic: I am interested, however I'd rather not ship to Trinidad direct but to a Miami transhipper. That address is NOT a PAYpal verified address though as Paypal attachs the verified address to my credit card data.

Can you handle my shipping requirements?

You can reach me at mosaicmerc@yahoo.com
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Sure! As i said in the mail i sent you, we will ship to the address that you specify when ordering on IKAMARKET.COM web store.

Regarding multi-platform development. I have doubts if the additional sales justify the development effort. Most will use windows even if it is not their first choice. The ones that will not may be a small but loud minority.

My suggestion is to continue development of the tool including post processors.

Hey - that's fine by me. Just give "us" the software interface specification, and I'm sure someone, if there is demand, will be able to come up with the software to support other platforms. Why is that so hard for a hardware producer to do (especially one that already gives away the hardware design - or are they really selling the software?)...

Really - I have been burned so much by closed source, closed hardware, etc - over the years, that I'm -not- going back to Windows or anything like it - ever again...
Unfortunately, not everyone is as honest as you. You can say from my website that i am into sharing and opensouce, but in the same time i'v got salaries of my employees to pay at the end of the month
I always choose to support smaller producers, u get personalised attention and a single sale does matter to them.
You can say from my website that i am into sharing and opensouce, but in the same time i'v got salaries of my employees to pay at the end of the month

Well - you publish your hardware design, but not the firmware. That's fine. You "give away" the software (for Windows), that's fine too. I am not wanting the firmware, the specification between the microcontroller in the device and the software you already give away - so that others can write software for other platforms. It shouldn't take away any profits from your hardware, and it won't take any profits from your software (because you give that away). So where would you lose by publishing the spec? Or is this like some kind of "graphics card spec" issue, where if you gave away the spec, it would be super easy to guess the firmware? If it is that easy, what makes you think anyone needs either? Perhaps the schematic to the device is all that is really needed? I honestly don't know, but I just don't see why publishing the spec for the external software interface would be an issue...? Ideas?

Well, i intend to do that. I am almost convinced. will have to talk it though with my colleagues.
Software update!

Hello ETO!

Just wanted to let you know that a new version of the software is online..

Some of the new features:

* Increased the maximum sampling depth to more than 261K sample
* Added auto-decode feature: No need to press the "decode" button after each data capture
* Added infinite number of byte watches (formerly called byte highlight)
* Enhanced the navigation to be much smoother with lower CPU and memory utilisation
* Saving a data sequence saves all interface variables like the zoom level, decoder settings, chart position. Re-openning a saved sequences lets you continue exactly from where you left!
* Enhanced the visual rendering of the decode, yielding a mure more usier friendly interface
* Added colors profile features, alowing you to quicly switch between standard colors, printer friendly colours and other custom colors profiles.
* Added the possibility to change the chart lines width of every colour profile, which can be usefull for printing charts with bold clear lines
* Added "open recent files"

Here are some pictures of how the software looks like now!


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Hi Ikalogic.
I have an analyser in the post on it's way to me. In the meantime I have been playing with the software and the examples and I am very impressed with how many functions have been incorporated.

If you don't mind I would like to suggest one more ...

It is apparent that although the primary function of the analyser is to capture, display and decode data on each of the 4 lines individually it would be useful to be able to look across them at a specific time. Even though this is half of an 8 bit data bus, it would give an added capability.

What I had in mind was a readout of data under the cursor in the form of the binary nibble and decimal equivalent.

Can't wait for my hardware to arrive !

Best regards
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