OK, But from what i understood, only voltage will be summed up if panels are connected in series, current will not.
I think A device will use the voltage it needs instead of current. Am i right? In a circuit, a voltage will drop but a current will not (input current == output current).
OK, But from what i understood, only voltage will be summed up if panels are connected in series, current will not.
I think A device will use the voltage it needs instead of current. Am i right? In a circuit, a voltage will drop but a current will not (input current == output current).
You have this backwards. Voltage is like a pressure used to push current through a resistance. The amount of current that is pushed is based on the supply voltage and resistance of the circuit. This relationship is ohms law.
The three forms of Ohms law, solving for each variable.
Taking the above as true, if you change any one parameter, at least one of the others must change to make the values equal each other again. Do some simple math problems where you change one of the parameters and calculate the result. Watch how they interact with each other.