LT spice simulation won't run?

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Well-Known Member
tried running a simple LT spice 555 simulation but no pulse output?
got to be something I am not including?


  • 555 lt spice.png
    34.3 KB · Views: 616
tried running a simple LT spice 555 simulation but no pulse output?
got to be something I am not including?

Looks ok, please post your asc file.

I see it..... 0.01 ==== 0.01Farad!
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It simulates just fine, if you simulate out to 12hours. Hint: take a close look at C1.


  • DF78.png
    25.7 KB · Views: 440
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here is actual schematic I am wanting to simulate
The device works great but would like to show a simulation if possible. Plan at this point is to just list all the different frequencies that the 555 outputs.
Am teaching a basic electronics merit badge class on Saturday. Did this last year and the scouts really enjoyed building this circuit. Pretty sure some parents didn't like it.
Built one for my grandson as well.
I DIYed the pc boards so total cost per completed unit was $3.57. Made 12 boards. In process of designing a new board using DIPTRACE instead of EXPRESSpcb.
Also building a board where it connected to the output - has 2-4017s , 10 LEDs. The first 4017 is a divider and second 4017 drives the LEDs "knight rider style"
As one presses keys the LEDs back n forth speed changes.
Young boys are fascinated by blinking LEDs and noise.
The schematic works rather well with LOTS of different "notes" depending on which two or more buttons are depressed.
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