As I was going through the forum about how to calculate delay in ltspice I came across this answer which said how to calculate delay for an inverter circuit. Could u please explain me how the spice directive commands work here and also what does {RE} refer to here.
Welcome to ETO!
{RE} is a parameter (aka a variable) whose value is specified by the .param directive.
The LTspice 'Help' describes the .meas directive, which provides a measurement of a property under defined circumstances.
I have used the same .meas statements to calculate the propagation delay of my xor circuit but the value is high(0.04s but we are supposed to get in ps . Iam attaching the asc file for reference
Sorry about the mistake in connection. Now i have corrected it and VIN is connected only to source of P3 as input and not connected to V1. I have attached the file for reference. Thank you