LTSPICE signal+noise simulation

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New Member

I would like to simulate such signal (Attached)
Can someone help me how to do it ?

Thanks !
In LTspice, use a "behavioral voltage source" component in series with the signal source you need to make noisy. Set as "V=(rand(time*1e18)-0.5)*1.0".

Two signals in series. The outputs will add together. One signal is "signal" the other is random.
Thanks for the support

I've did it
The problem is that the noise is on top the signal

I need a clear signal but with some noise floor
Ok my friend
But how can i simulate those two signals on one same line ?
Now the noise is over my signal, and i dont want it...
If you really want "one" but have "two" you could make a component that has these two voltage sources inside. (it will look like one)

Is this what you want?
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