LTspice simulation distortion function

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Dear all,
I used LTspice SW few weeks ago.After completed a JFET Amp. polted the AC analysis the result is fine but I want to check the Amp. distortion,I can't find this function at LTspice.Does any one tell me how to do this function at LTspice or other simulation SW can do that ?
I read the LTspice manual carefully how to check the noise function at LTspice but I can not understand how to do,does any one help me ? Enclose are the circuitry and AC anlysis ploting result for your reference.

Best regards,
Gilman Li.


  • JFET Amp..JPG
    207.9 KB · Views: 718
  • JFET Amp.asc
    2.1 KB · Views: 456
Join the LTSpice group on YAHOO. Look in their FILES section for examples on how to use the .DISTO function, Spectral analysis, and .NOISE analysis.
while designing op-amp in LT spice, the output some times is in KV rating i don't understand from where KV come as i apply less than 10v so, how it is possible.

pls tell...!
You are doing something non-physical. e.g. feeding a current-source into a very high-impedance will produce kV. Post your circuit.
I want to run 555 ic in lt spice for this the above link given is not working or i can't run that pls tell how to add and run more ic's.
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