LTspice simulation of cells in parallel doesnt seem to work

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In the attached LTspice sim, i put a 3V7 cell in parallel with a 4V1 cell..........they should become the same voltage because they are in parallel but they dont.
Do you know whats going on.?


  • Cells in parallel.asc
    577 bytes · Views: 354
This is what mine shows:


  • cells in parallel.png
    17.8 KB · Views: 379
In the attached LTspice sim, i put a 3V7 cell in parallel with a 4V1 cell..........they should become the same voltage because they are in parallel but they dont.
Do you know whats going on.?
In a simulation, nothing blows up when you do something you shouldn't do.
In real life, things are not so forgiving.

Never, never, never, put two mismatched cells in parallel. They should both be charged to the same voltage before you put them together.
Look at the battery current to see why this is not likely a real life circuit.
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