Magician 3D printer stepper not working


New Member
Good evening,

We just received our project, and so far we can control most functions such as the arm in general, the auction cup and gripper attachments, however the 3D printer stepper motor doesn’t work in manual mode. The extruder heats up to 200c as required, yet when we push the manual feed button to see if it can push filament out, nothing happens and the stepper motor doesn’t even flinch. The motor is slightly warm, so obviously there is a signal going to that motor, but that’s all that happens. Does anyone have any idea why the motor won’t move when we click on said button?

Thanks for any input you may have.
I'm guessing this is a Dobot Magician robot arm?

Double check the motor connections? If only one coil is working it could get warm but not move? Also, there are two different motor pinouts with the same socket on the motor - the inner two used pins are swapped in one standard.

If there is too much grip force on the filament, the motor may stall - or if the filament has hit a step or ridge in a coupling feeding in to the hot end, that can jam it solid.

For that, try removing the filament and scrape the end to a point rather than a square cut?
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