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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Major gains in fuel economy?

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I can get up to 14 m/litre on my car and its due to no special device I know my car I know the roads I take and I am constantly consciously "calculating" where I can us 5th gear instead of 4th or 4th instead of 3rd on what sections of road i can roll at 25 mph regardless of how flat it looks this make for fuel economy not this crap people keep trying to sell !
Can carbon fibre be easilly recycled though?
You guys keep going back to the, "conservation of energy" thing and I'm not questioning that you can't simply generate the hydrogen and then use the hydrogen to operate an engine and generate even more hydrogen. It's a lossy system and ultimately you'll end up with even less efficiency.

But, that's only true if you are already getting the max energy from the fuel in the first place. If there's a way to extract more energy from the fuel as part of the function of enriching it with extra hydrogen (or hydrogen and oxygen) then you could get a net gain. That's all I'm saying.

You can argue that this view is invalid because I don't have the specific details of how to do it and, I don't suppose I could disagree. But, when someone does come along and do it, wont you be, I don't suppose you will.
There may well be some easy way to increase the efficiency of a petroleum based internal combustion engine. I'm not holding my breath though. Especially when it comes to a simple after market add on.

Frankly, I want to get a Tesla... All electric. 220 miles cruising range, 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds, $.02/per mile. Only $110K USD. mainly because it would be a chick magnet...
**broken link removed**
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The only energy left in the fuel is in the form of heat and unburned hydrocarbons. If the HH0 could reduce either of these it could work. But I do not see how. As said earlier... where is the science ?

My chemistry is 35 years old but I do not understand where mixing a few molecules of hydrogen in with the gas vapors will cause the gas to burn any differently.

If someone made this work I would be suprised rather then embarased.

Why not talk about the sort of conservation that carbon fiber provides. A 300-400% increase in MPG with no performace loss. And we know it work.

You guys keep going back to the, "conservation of energy" thing and I'm not questioning that you can't simply generate the hydrogen and then use the hydrogen to operate an engine and generate even more hydrogen. It's a lossy system and ultimately you'll end up with even less efficiency.

But, that's only true if you are already getting the max energy from the fuel in the first place. If there's a way to extract more energy from the fuel as part of the function of enriching it with extra hydrogen (or hydrogen and oxygen) then you could get a net gain. That's all I'm saying.

You can argue that this view is invalid because I don't have the specific details of how to do it and, I don't suppose I could disagree. But, when someone does come along and do it, wont you be, I don't suppose you will.
A car is not a chick magnet. A cute very young dog is.
I had a tiny 8 weeks old Bichon Frise white fur dog. The gorgeous young chicks were all around! My dog is now 5 years old and the chicks still come looking, maybe at me, hee, hee.
test to get files to you

trying to post a file . Looks like this may work for you guys. This may not make sense to some of you, I don't understand a lot of it myself to be honest. Stan Myer was working on some higher grade generators. Some one here might have said he was a fraud I cant remember. Any way this document is just a test page may not be proof of any thing but it has some good electronic lingo that may make you go HUMMM. Excuse me if I don;t use technical terms like saying water injection thingy. I try to store in my brain what I really need to know today. and try to remember where the reference is for later.


  • Meyer%27s%20Secrets.pdf
    22.7 KB · Views: 2,553

I made a contact with a retired Aero space engineer,where I live. He use to shoot lasers off satellites. He said he has talk to a chemistry buddy and like many there is a question as to what is happening. Im digging around for some files. They may be junk but yall can pick through them.
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Call it a talking paper

Here is the paper from the university . It may not be a PROOF that it works . May not be what you are looking for. See what you think.
I got this to come up ok.. At the end of th paper there are som links to U-tube and some sites that sell units. Some of them are not recommended for safety reasons. If you want to make some HHO they work but be aware.


  • Hydrogen%20Enriched%20Hydrocarbon%20Combustion.pdf
    463.5 KB · Views: 841
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Stanley Meyer's "water fuel cell" is said to be a "perpetual motion scam" by Wikipedia and others. He scamed the patent office then he got investors who sued him. He lost the lawsuit because they proved that his patent didn't work.
Here is the rebuttle on stan myer fraud

I was just on the hydroxy group and found this. I haven't got into this argument.. There is a conspiracy theory going around about his death. Just remember OJ was found innocent in court!!! Myers was working on the big daddy of generators. The attachment did not take will try again
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myer wont work got an invalid file for attachment see if link works

**broken link removed**

I cant get links to work, have vista and there must be something wrong with one of my settings or this formus setting to allow. I got the link from the bottom of the university paper. You can go there and start reading. There is a link to MORE and it worked for me.
From link "Call it a talking paper".
Use of electrolysis of water to create hydrogen
to enrich combustion should be completely
experimentally investigated before dismissing it
as ineffective.

There is no claim of new chemistry. The claim is hydrogen raises the temperature of the burning mixture which allow more of the fuel to burn.

It sounds like it has a similar effect as high compression and has the same problem, NOx. In both cases proper tuning may be able to reduce this.

Without saying that it works I will speculate:
A less efficient (poorly tuned) engines will show a greater increase because they have more unburned fuel to work with.

Turning is different with or without hydrogen. Is is only fair to compare numbers when the car is tuned to the same (high) degree both with and without. I would guess most people put a lot of effort into tuning the car while making the mod. How much of the gain could they have realized by just tuning the car?

There are still way too many variables. That is at least on reason the above mentioned paper was not willing to say it worked.
A credibility issue...

This may not make sense to some of you, I don't understand a lot of it myself to be honest. Stan Myer was working on some higher grade generators.

See, this is a problem. You are referencing things that don't even make any sense to you. We want you to find the references that are simple and straightforward enough that you can not only understand but, that you can give a credible synopsis of and then use the links to augment your material. The simple fact is that we're not going to go chasing after your links if you're too lazy to write up the gist of them, in a way that excites our interest, or don't even understand them, yourself.
Stupid is as stupid does (Forrest Gump)

to be blunt: ARE YOU STUPID ?

turning silicon into something else is no more than a chemical procedure and has nothing to do with or is comparable with getting energy from nowhere ! nothing magical is done to the silicon but you are expecting to magically get power out of thin air

you might as well as made as a comparison to the production of bricks from clay

I just knew this reply was coming from one or more of you so, I was very careful of my wording in my post about the silicon. By specifically stating that the amplifier increases the signal (which it does). There is no mention of the transisotr somehow increasing either the voltage or the current in the circuit.

So, the answer to your direct question is: No, I'm not stupid enough to leave myself open to being called "stupid" (except by someone who misread the post).

On the "brick" issue, there may be a lot more going on there than you suspect. Be careful about minimizing it.
You guys keep going back to the, "conservation of energy" thing and I'm not questioning that you can't simply generate the hydrogen and then use the hydrogen to operate an engine and generate even more hydrogen. It's a lossy system and ultimately you'll end up with even less efficiency.

But, that's only true if you are already getting the max energy from the fuel in the first place. If there's a way to extract more energy from the fuel as part of the function of enriching it with extra hydrogen (or hydrogen and oxygen) then you could get a net gain. That's all I'm saying.

You can argue that this view is invalid because I don't have the specific details of how to do it and, I don't suppose I could disagree. But, when someone does come along and do it, wont you be, I don't suppose you will.

I thought the same thing what if I have extra power output not being used, well its a possibility under certain circumstances but and engine is like 30+ KW and the alternator can spare perhaps 300 W of power if lucky so what is the resulting 100 odd watts worth of hydrogen going to add to a car already pumping out 30 KW ?
Keep your eye on the prize

A transistor does not amplify an input signal.

Oh, yes it does! It intrinsically amplifies an input current (the very definition of the transistor's beta). A small current applied to the base causes a correspondingly larger current to flow in the collector. If that collector current flows through a suitable load resistor, that larger current creates a larger voltage than was applied to the base.

Come on, guys, this is basic transistor theory. It doesn't change just because you're thinking of loftier physics.

But, the transistor still wont work until it's properly constructed...and the fuel efficiency thing wont happen until the right techniques are employed.'s not a "free energy pipe dream". The energy is there. Huge, almost unimaginable amounts of energy, actually. The trick is to tap it.

Along the way there will be no shortage of opportunists, nuts and charlatans looking to make a quick buck (or insert your country's currency) or to make a name. That's just the nature of man. But, there are breakthroughs bunyon tells me so........
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