I have a problem and I thought I should post it here because I can't quite get the hang of it.
I was tasked to make a circuit that is made of only NOR-gates. Seemed simple at first but then the restrictions came in.
The circuit needs to be made out of 4 NOR gates with 2 inputs and 4 NOR gates with 4 inputs.
I have made some circuits of my own but one of them had 5 inputs which means I couldn't unify them with a 4 Input NOR-Gate and the other one has 9 gates.
I am gonna attach them (they are made in Logisim).
Any help is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance
My problem with this task is that i have a maximum of 8 NOR-Gates, 4 NOR with 2 Inputs and 4 NOR with 4 Inputs.
My results were a circuit with 9 NOR Gates and one where I would need a 5 input NOR Gate.
Neither complete the task successful