Making a small 12v DC converter to 3.8v (HOW??? HELP!!!)

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Dear sirs (anyone at this point)

I've been hammering away at an answer to a question you maybe able to help with. I'm definitely not an elect. engineer, a technical engineer or anything relative to what you need to be to figure this out... so please bare with my ignorance.

I have a GPS unit the works on 3.8v (this is what Magellan technical told me) I currently use a premanufactured adapter supplied by the Magellan manufacturer.... it plugs into a 12v source and converts it to the 3.8v via a 'black box' inline with the cable. My problem is the continuity between the 12v source connection and the GPS's 3.8v connection is broken. And I believe it's breaking continuity due to vibration on a dirt bike. More than likely in the little 'black box'... that isn't so little.

I'm just short of breaking that box open... and trying to isolate the problem. Even if I opened it... I wouldn't be too sure how to fix it or how to diagnose a problem unless I saw a cold solder or broken connection.

Is there an easier means (using resistors) maybe sealing something in a non conductive silicone for vibration control??? I'm sure they may be using resistors or some kind of transformer (converter) now....

Can I be enlightened to make a stronger more solid converter box??!!!

If you can help... or would like to be paid to make me a real durable cable end to end (Using Magellan's connector for the GPS)....

Please send me mail at;
I am eager to get this resolved.

Since the unit is not working,
break it open carefully,
and describe the contents as best you can.

It is probably a zener and resistor.

Someone will guide you to fixing it up,
the zener is unlikely to be damaged,
and then you could seal it up with some sort
of silicone putty or similar, to hold it all
firmly and keep any moisture out.
Using Araldite or epoxy glue would make it
hard to get back into it if theres a problem.

If its just the end connection to the unit from
the cable, as you think, then you will probably
see the problem when you uncover it.

I think I'll spend some time pulling it apart tonight....
Thanks for your help so far.

Also... I got this reply in personal email from another man named Al.
See if it makes sense too;

Hi Johnnyairtime,

Yes, 'Al' is quite correct, it is unlikely to be just a resistor.
and he is also correct that the various voltage stabilising chips
would do it quite well.

However on motor-bikes the norm is to go for the simplest and
most basic method, and for this the simplest is a resistor and a
zener diode.

Yes, it is not power efficient, but my guess is that the GPS unit
is a pretty light load anyway.

I have included a diagram of the sort of thing i would expect to
find doing this job. When you get into it, if it looks like this
is not the arrangement, then please describe what you find, and
someone, or me, or Al, will hopefully know what it is.

I expect you to find a loose or poor connection, with any luck
you will not need to be concerned with the unit, other than that.

Best of luck with it, John


  • Dropper_Zener.jpg
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Well, I didn't get to break it open last night... but I can also add that the whole cable assembly is only $11 so it can't be too eloborate.

And again, thank you both for your help so far.
I'm even more eager to look into this "black box"...

You can get universal converters with adjustable voltage for cd players radar detectors exc. They plug right into the lighter in a car, do a little splicing, positive to positive negative to negative make sure of this.
I am not quite sure but i think the one i had label 3.8 volts.

are you possitive it is just 3.8 volts in or a couple different voltages all the way up to 3.8
hope you get it worked out
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