May I make some friends here?

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I like English very much too. But that is probably because it's the only useful language I know how to speak.
Reminds me of a joke I once heard

What do you call a person that speaks 2 languages? Answer = Bilingual

What do you call a person that speaks 3 languages? Answer = Trilingual

What do you call a person that speaks 1 language? Answer = American

Welcome to the forum Albert.....
Leftyretro said:
Reminds me of a joke I once heard
What do you call a person that speaks 1 language? Answer = American

Welcome to the forum Albert.....
I know it is only a joke but... (Question for Albert Su follows)

A recall a story about a US student who spent the summer in Germany to better his ability to speak the language. He would stay in one spot a while and move on. He became frustrated in that much of what he learned in on town was said to be wrong in the next.

Anyone who knows English and Spanish can speak to most anyone in North America execpt for the French Canadians. If we had to speak a new language every time we traveled a few hundred miles we would know and speak more languages.

If a US student learn French, German, Polish etc in the classroom it is mostly wasted time in that there is little (more often no) opportunity to speak the language outside the classroom and it is soon forgotten. They may as well study martian.

A question for the original poster (Hello by the way). How far can you travel in China without having to speak another language? How many languages do they teach in your schools?
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