I looked at my display parts and I do have a 1.3", I2C 128X64 SH1106 OLED -
this one. I have never used it in a project but, as is my practice, I checked it out when I got it and made some notes. Among those notes was "I2C address=0x3c"
Look at the link and notice the resistor and address info...the 0x78
that is printed on the back of the display. Mine looks
exactly like that, including the position of the resistor (0 ohm?). This is also what the OP reports.
I just verified that it works (UNO clone) using the U8G2 library and this constructor line:
U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE);
I ran several demo programs with no problem and no other devices present. I do have some dPOTS but none with I2C interfaces.
I used a run-of-the-mil port scanner and it reported only a device at 0x3c (just as my notes had indicated).
riccardo , please humor me and run a port scanner with the display but without the dPot connected and see if you do not also see a device at 0x3c.
If so, I suggest that you set A0 and A1 to change the dPOT I2C address so that it does not conflict with the display.
I now think that the issues that the OP has experienced may be a simple address conflict and the usual misinformation that comes with cheap electronics.