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MCU temperature sensors

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Calvin Black

New Member
Generally speaking in regards to MCUs: can the on-board temperature sensor be used for air temperature monitoring, or is the temp sensor a die temp, or does it depend on the specific MCU?
My question is related to any MCUs that have on-board temp sensors, but specifically i'm using starter kit SK-S7G2 (Renesas).

Thanks, Cal
For an MCU it's the core temperature.

Some methods and code to use those diodes in internal and external devices.

PIC1845K80 core example using ADC and CTMU:
#define ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK 27315ul // centi-K = 0.01K units

struct {
    // alpha numerator and denominator
    uint16_t alphan; // ADC bits
    int32_t alphad; // 0.01K units
} calibration;

* Initialize module
* 89.5F (31.9C) = alphan 293
void inttemp_init(void)
    // arbitrary values
    calibration.alphan = 293;
    calibration.alphad = 319 * 10 + ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK;

*  Single point calibration to assumed ambient temperature
void inttemp_calibrate(int16_t temperature)
    // alpha = delta diode voltage / temperature
    calibration.alphan = inttemp_deltav();
    calibration.alphad = ((int32_t) temperature * 10 + ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK);
* use the CTMU to measure the internal temp diode and return a voltage
* It's only good for about +- 1.0C resolution at best but it will work
* for time measurement calibration drift
uint16_t measure_chip_temp(uint8_t mode)
    L.ctmu_data = LOW;
    L.ctmu_data_temp = HIGH;
    ADCON1bits.VCFG = 2; // Vref+ = 2.048
    ADCON0bits.CHS = TEMP_DIODE; // Select ADC channel
    if (mode) {
        CTMUICON = 0b01111111; // 55uA CC max trim +62%
    } else {
        CTMUICON = 0b01111110; // 5.5uA CC max trim +62%
    CTMUCONHbits.IDISSEN = LOW; // end drain
    PIE3bits.CTMUIE = LOW; // don't generate CTMU interrupts for edges
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG1STAT = 0; // Set Edge status bits to zero
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG2STAT = 0;
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG1STAT = 1; // start current source
    wdtdelay(20); // CTMU setup time before sampling
    ADCON0bits.GO = 1; // Start conversion
    wdtdelay(20); // wait for ISR to update buffer
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG1STAT = 0; // deactivate current source
    CTMUICON = 0x00; // current off
    return L.pic_temp;

* Measure delta voltage across internal diode at two currents.
uint16_t inttemp_deltav(void)
    uint16_t v1, v2;

    v1 = (uint16_t) lp_filter((float) measure_chip_temp(LOW), 1, HIGH);
    v2 = (uint16_t) lp_filter((float) measure_chip_temp(HIGH), 2, HIGH);
    return v2 - v1;

* Read current internal temperature in 0.1C
int16_t inttemp_read(void)
    // temperature = delta diode voltage * (1 / alpha)
    return((int32_t) inttemp_deltav() * (int32_t) calibration.alphad / (int32_t) calibration.alphan - ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK) / 10;
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