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Me Angry

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the first is tragic for the poor girl, i'm afraid that to the outside world it must make america look like every hollywood 'hick town'.
i think the second vid is quite funny, and had me going for a second or two.
That's the problem with suspending rational thought. Once you do this you can convince yourself, or be convinced, of anything. I'm glad I don't live in a place like that.
I know! on the second one the deluded mailbag, he has completely irrelevent facts. Scientist (steven hawking, i feel bad now, and so should he)"god diddnt give us telescopes" Dumb ass christian "have you been to a observatory lately?"

I MEAN WTF!!! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN. Such a dumbass. Im going to try and contact him.

"The heart has its reasons, of which the mind knows nothing."
-- Blaise Pascal
There is nothing wrong with belief in anything, no matter what any other person says (this is my belief by the way) with the exclusion of one thing. Intolerance; If another person's beliefs require someone else to be wrong then that belief needs to be changed. A post like this could be discussed and flamed on both sides from now until the end of time with absolutely no gain to either side and nothing but hurt feelings to everyone involved.
My best friend from my youth became a born again Christian to cope with some events in his life and I didn't have a problem with that, I did however have a problem sometime later after several conversations where he was trying to warn me that my soul was in danger of eternal damnation if I didn't take Jesus into my heart. Nothing made me feel more sick in my entire life than the knowledge that someone so close to me could write me off so easily over such a trivial thing (not to him obviously) There is no amount of discussion or teaching that can be done to prevent this from occurring aside from teaching people to think for themselves and to never draw lines in the sand because that's where wars start. Life is fluid and flexible, to decry a belief of any kind so vehemently is stupidity. How many scientific theories have been massively overhauled in recent years? Religions go through the same thing, but much more quietly. If it comes down to fact or faith anyone that has given any study of Quantum theory knows that things get so fuzzy when you get past a certain point as to be basically faith, a lot of their tenants aren't even scientifically provable, but to belief science has not justification in society is just as foolhardy. Science and religion are both interesting human traits that benefit and harm the human race in many different ways. No one is right, it's all just more learning, and everyone could benefit from an understanding of the varied histories of both and should expose themselves to sane people of the 'other side' of belief. The anger, violence, and misguided action that can accompany such firm standing opinions on both sides is a flaw in the human species that should be squashed with every cell of flesh every person has, and every thought and prayer we believe with.
Then again, that's just the way I think.
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Rob Linkman said:
I know! on the second one the deluded mailbag, he has completely irrelevent facts. Scientist (steven hawking, i feel bad now, and so should he)"god diddnt give us telescopes" Dumb ass christian "have you been to a observatory lately?"

I MEAN WTF!!! WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN. Such a dumbass. Im going to try and contact him.
You've got to try and start reading between the lines (its a satire, not a sincere expression) before you get worked up over nothing. Do a little detective work before you start accusing someone of being a dumbass. The guy's name is Edward Current (get it, eddie, current?) which gives it away, as does the fact that the video was apparently produced by a company called "pisspoor." That and the fact that his other videos include, amongst other Christian infractions, using Christ's name in vain should be ample evidence that maybe you shouldn't be taking Mr. Current's word at face value.
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I'm just going to add that I'm guessing you found this stuff out of an interest in atheism. I think you should know that the world's healthiest people tend to believe in some form of higher order, which seems to assist them in their understanding of the world and consequently their ability to cope with all the ups and downs.

The higher order doesn't have to be organized religion (such as that followed by satirist Stephen Colbert, who is a sincere Christian), or even a recognized spiritual following or cultural association. It could be as simple as a personal recognition of a kind of holistic altruism, even if that itself is defined in secular or scientific terms, for instance, "Clapton is God," or an impractical yet somehow unifying equation referencing a connection between matter and light.
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Sceadwian said:
There is nothing wrong with belief in anything, no matter what any other person says (this is my belief by the way) with the exclusion of one thing. Intolerance; If another person's beliefs require someone else to be wrong then that belief needs to be changed. A post like this could be discussed and flamed on both sides from now until the end of time with absolutely no gain to either side and nothing but hurt feelings to everyone involved. ...(material removed for brevity)...

Well spoken post, Sceadwian.

Hank Fletcher said:
I'm just going to add that I'm guessing you found this stuff out of an interest in atheism. I think you should know that the world's healthiest people tend to believe in some form of higher order, which seems to assist them in their understanding of the world and consequently their ability to cope with all the ups and downs.

This recent article seems to dispute your claims regarding health vs. religion.

Least Religious Countries - Gadling

And here are a couple more interesting links related to the topic.

Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics

Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents
This recent article seems to dispute your claims regarding health vs. religion.
Hey, didn't I already hedge my comment with respect to religion? My point is that the world's healthiest people tend to believe in some form of higher order, regardless of whether or not that comes as organized religion or as something else. By the way, your article makes no reference to any connection whether or not those countries with the most atheists are the most healthy.

Also, the statistics in the article seem to represent the numbers of people in each country who believe in a God. I'd wager that amongst those who described themselves as atheist were people reacting to a hegemonic attitude, and that their response is in fact reflective of a counter-cultural reaction to years of indoctrination into monotheistic beliefs.

It wouldn't surprise me to discover that many of these atheists in reality have empowered themselves by discovering alternatives to "God." Maybe they've dug back into the culture of their region, and found that the polytheism of, for instance, the Norse gods is more representative of what they believe. Four out of the ten countries on your article's list are Scandinavian, so perhaps I've hit on something there?

And that's just an argument for people who use some kind of religion as their concept of higher order. The flood gates are open nowadays - there really are people out there who believe in "the Force" as it's described in the Star Wars films. There are fans out there who idolize a rock band, or even a genre of music, and the rules or constructs of ideology for those bands or that fandom is enough to provide for them in the same sense as a higher order.

In short, as weird as extreme rock or sci-fi fans might seem, they're submitting themselves to what they consider higher orders than themselves, arguably to their apparent benefit. Those people aren't psychopaths, to the contrary, they're healthy because they submit to something higher than themselves, that is, they recognize the connection between themselves and others and empathize with the successes and failures of the people around them. The exclusive nature of much of Christianity, as portrayed in the movie Saved, I'd argue is both in part the cause for and justification of these alternatives.
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