hi Al,
I will ponder and let you know,via an EDIT.
Hi Al,
I have rearranged the LCD layout in order to improve its appearance.
Sw1 position you have the +V15var, the -15var and the +V15var milliamp
Sw2 position is the Vsum [Vs] of the +15var and -15var and the +V15var milliamp
Sw3 position is the Temperature of the Thermistor and the state of the Fan ie: On or Off.
Sw4, unused [future development]
If this acceptable, let me jnow and will program a PIC and hardware test it.
The adc takes the average of 60 samples for each adc channel
Another point you should consider is the Fan control, at the moment the Thermistor temperature and Fan on/off is only active when Sw3 position is selected.
The Therm/Fan should be sampled at regular intervals, I would suggest at the end of select sequence.
It would not be displayed, it would only control the Fan
Added the hex and OSH Basic files, give the hex a try.
The program checks the Thermistor/Fan at the end of each sequence.
Works fine in a PIC.