hi Al,
Try this test7.hex.
On Sw3 position, the DS18S20 temperature is displayed,also the Fan State, Ton and Toff temperatures.
Add a 4k7 pull up resistor on PORTC.7 [ to +5v] , add a n/o push switch from pin PORTC.7 to 0V.
To Set up your Fan On/Off temperatures, select Sw pos3 and then press and hold the push switch. [the push switch allows you to change the settings, while its pushed]
Set the Ton using the set +15Vvar pot and the Toff using the -15Vvar pot.
These are the controls on the front that you use set the V outputs of the variable supplies.
Once set release the push button.
The settings are stored in the PIC's EEPROM and recalled at power up.
Sw4 is still unused.
Does your PC have a serial RS232 connector.??