Medical electronics

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there are so many applications of medical electronics... u do some googling and decide on an aspect that you are interested in... then try posting your ideas on the forum so that people will be able to guide you in a better way...

there is too much happening on ECG these days... when u say medical electronics people immediately start talking about ECG... try to do something else too..

Remember GOOGLE might be your best friend (rather your first friend) always...
Medical electronic projects are fine as long it's something non-intrusive and just for educational purposes only. I wouldn't design any electronics to be used on a real patient unless, I had enough to spend on putting it through proper clinical trial and get approval from the appropriate bodies.
how to make a design for uaf42 active filter ?


Please do not "hijack" other peoples' threads with your unrelated question. You have already posted this question in it's own thread. Please wait there for answers.

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