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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Merging PDFs

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Then use Inscape like I've being trying to tell you for half of the thread.

It's a drawing package which can import/export PDFs and export them to EMFs which can be imported to MS Word.

Just to show you what it can do, I've taken your drawing, removed the border, rotated it and added some text.

Hi Hero999,

that looks professional!

Although this software also seems to have a small bug.

Instead of typing "Hero999" you'd better type "Hero9999", which will probably result in "Hero999" instead of "Hero99" :D

Thank you very much for the patience you've proved talking to an idiot.


Although this software also seems to have a small bug.

Instead of typing "Hero999" you'd better type "Hero9999", which will probably result in "Hero999" instead of "Hero99" :D
There's not bug, that was my mistake, I typed Hero99 instead of Hero999.

Incidentally, Inscape's PDF export feature isn't as good as its import feature so you're better off using PDF creator if you want to produce PDFs.

I cut you image from the pdf with acobat read's snapshot tool and pasted-special into open office write. The image was crisp and scaled down well.

Dump MS word.
Word isn't to blame on this occasion, its Arcrobat's snapshot tool's fault as exports it as a bitmap rather than a vector image. This means that the quality of image will depend on the zoom setting and you monitor's resolution. It might scale down alright but try stretching it or zooming in and it'll go blury.

Inscape can export in OpenOffice draw format so you can edit it further, not that you'd want to, Inscape is a far superiour drawing package to OO Draw.
I assumed Hans was not stretching or zooming a smaller image. As you say unless it is a vectored image there will be problems.

It would be nice if the snapshot tool cut pdf's but I am guessing adobe wants us to spend money for that.

I am sure you told us in the past but how does Inkscape differ from Sketchup ?


Word isn't to blame on this occasion, its Arcrobat's snapshot tool's fault as exports it as a bitmap rather than a vector image. This means that the quality of image will depend on the zoom setting and you monitor's resolution. It might scale down alright but try stretching it or zooming in and it'll go blury.

Inscape can export in OpenOffice draw format so you can edit it further, not that you'd want to, Inscape is a far superiour drawing package to OO Draw.
I've never used Google Sketchup, but from what I've learnt from Google I can tell you this:

Inscape is a 2D package with a few limited 3D abilities.

Inkscape runs on Linux as well as Mac OS and Windows.

Inkscape is compeletely free and open source.

Inkscape can import and import a variety of formats.

I've downloaded Scetchup and I'll have a play with it.
Hi Hero999,

of course I was joking when I pointed out that bug. ;)

In the meanwhile I googled for Inscape and there are many results. I made a pause at the 4,000th entry not hitting anything like software.

Perhaps you could give me some aid where to look and download.


Here is the error: The software is called 'Inkspace' not 'Inscape'.

Disregard my last message concerning 'Inscape'.
I'm glad you found it and hope you like it.
I'm glad you found it and hope you like it.

Hi Hero999,

I downloaded it and tried to get all three different layout pictures onto one page. (Solder with blue and black traces and silkscreen). I also added some text to the page. Worked great until the point when I actuated "print" using PDF-creator as printer. The program quit with a run time error.

However I'll keep on trying.

Kind regards and many thanks again.

I don't think that's an Inkscape problem because it works for me, perhaps you should check the PDF creator installation hasn't gone bad. Another thing you could do is use Inkscape's EMF export feature and import it to Word.
Mergin PDFs

Inkscape does all well.

This image was made of three single PDFs.



  • PHASE CONTROL-PCB-Layout.pdf
    143 KB · Views: 312
Good, I'm glad you've go the hand of it.
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