Depends on the use.
If the use is to connect it to the USB cable, run a sketch and say "Whoa!", then Arduino beats everything - that's how they got popular.
If the use is to build a (possibly complicated) circuit where controller is just a part of it, then develop and debug the program in-situ (the way Mr Al uses the Nanos I suppose), then bare PIC is more useful, although it may require connecting few more wires.
If the use is to build 10 copies of the same device, Arduino is completely in the dust.
Hi again,
Your first paragraph sounds like it came from someone who never actually used a Nano. I had a somewhat similar attitude when i used PIC chips and never yet used an Arduino board. I had the impression that they were just for beginners. Then someone gave me a board and i tried it and my attitude changed. The good points started to show up one after the other.
Dave Jones has something similar to say, that the name sounds weird and it looks like a toy, but it's not. Like other things it can be used like a toy, or used for something practical.
First, the board plugs in and is ready to be programmed.
Second, the one software download gets you started on maybe 100 example projects that gets you familiar with everything. If you buy a China version you may have to download a small driver and install, but only takes a couple minutes.
Third, if you have already done C programming in the past then you are creating your first custom project in less than an hour.
Fourth, easy to modify, no extra hidden costs.
The biggest advantage though is that the boards come already working, no soldering to start with. For a final project though you want to solder to the board pins/holes. I get the boards with no pins installed for this.
With the Microchip PIC chip lines, you need a programmer of some kind. I see that the 16F1455 data sheet says that it is 'self programmable" but i dont know what that means yet. Perhaps you can explain how to program one of these things. The DEV kit for that is $73.00 USD which is a bit much already, and not sure if the Compiler comes with that or how to upload a compiled program.
When i used PICs i had a board that i plugged the PIC chip into, a zero insertion force socket, then uploaded the program which originated in ASM. But i am interested to hear how this newer chip the 16F1455 can be programmed, what it takes to get the FIRST one programmed when a person has never programmed THAT chip before but has programmed other PIC chips using their programmer board, i think it's called Pic Chip I.
Since it is just a chip though a board has to be made for it, unless it is such a simple project that wires can be soldered to the pins on a socket and then need no board, but that's kind of limited.