Mid 80's Sanyo Microwave service manual

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The Sanyo model is EM-5525 with a Kenmore label.

I don't really need the manual for the repair. It would just be helpful.
What exacly are you guys looking for? there is very little diference betwean diferent models & brands of microwave ovens & how they work. Just the timers seem to be different. I have some manuals for Toshiba Microwave ovens.
it popped the magnatron, driver circuitry and HV cap. I have replacements including the obsolete optocoupler.

I'm interested in the magnatron driver circuit which consists of a Toshiba TLP511GA optocoupler. Looks like a dual photo thyrister. Two thyristers with two corresponding LEDs. It drives a BCR16HM triac. That circuit is fried along with a small resistor that let out the magic smoke.

My interest is the thermister input circuit. Not that it's bad, but I want to be able to replace with another thermister with another curve. In another requirement, I'd like to be able to set to a lower temp, so I can proof yeast. I know the probe contacts a microswitch when inserted.

Also interested in ideas on how to accomplish the above.
Some ovens have the circuit pasted to the inside of the cover, obviously yours doesnt. The only oven ive had that had Triac switching was a GE oven, The circuit diag only shows the drive circuits as blocks, they obviously didnt consider the drive circuit as reparable & expect you to replace the board. Since its an 80s oven thats unlikely to be avalable, not sure im going to be mutch help. Daryl
This was an early 80s GE oven circuit & they dont give mutch away, this also had a Temp probe & Triac control.


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I have that. I also have a parts placement drawing of all the parts on the control board. I can also get the board remanufactured for $100.
I have spare optocouplers. I have loads of Sanyo service manuals. Nothing close.

I'm trying to avoid reverse engineering.

The triac driver resistor popped when I disconnected the magnitron power. Don' know why. I don't even know if the opto is bad. I do know that I will add an I^2t fuse ($50) when I get it to work.

Convection oven works fine. Its also a nice storage cabinet for now.

I added a pic of the microwave. The cavity is 14 3/4 W x 9.5 H and 16 1/4 W and all stainless.


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