Mini Board Computer pickout help?

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New Member
For a future robot, I want to have a ONBOARD PC with a 9Pin Port connected directly to a Junebug (ordered the parts a few days ago ) that then has the PIC Connected up and all set to go. I have a Hard drive for memory, but now I need a MINI BOARD COMPUTER . My programming friend told me that newegg has super cheap Mini ITX computers, so I went there and found this page:

I would prefer one that has the following:
Built In graphics card
Below 100$
Easy Set up
9 Pin serial connector
Battery powered (Two 12V 18AH Batteries) or a regulator board that plugs in there
HDD Plug in slot

I Know you are going to say: Waste of money, useless etc But this would be REALLY AWESOME. I am having trouble on what one to pick, but hopefully you can help?
not a waste of money at all. I love embedded PCs. I own the Advantech PCM9575 (400MHz, usb, video, etc), and it is all the size of a CD-ROM drive. The only bad thing is i cannot use it because i do not have the cable kit for it.

It would be very useful if i could use it, though.

try ebay. They are also called Biscuit PCs.
Nope I hate Ebay, I dont like em at all.

I dont care about processing speed, just teh computer.
Why not find an old 486 laptop and use that. You could control the robot via the parallel port. It would be cheap and relatively low power compared to those motherboards.
First find a use for one! - for most small robots a PIC or similar is more than enough computing power, and is far better suited for low level interfacing. Plus the power requirement and size is even more suited.
You are getting ahead of yourself. This setup will not be of much at this point.
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If you REALLY want to get down and geeky, you could just get yourself an older pc mobo, and interface the ISA slots. It would be especially cool if you got yourself an old sever motherboard (486) with ONLY ISA slots on it. They are huge, and look cool.

I have two laying around (somewhere...), but i am not sure if they work or not. You could also give a 386 a go, but i have found the 486 to be MUCH more stable....
Oh. I was assuming he already knew a language like c/c++, or QBASIC...

In that case, yes; very much so; overkill.
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