mini robot

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hey guys. first post
i want to build a very simple robot that does the following:
1. have two motors connected side by side both drive ends facing down towards the floor
both of which will have a pulley on it.
2. have 1 set of leds on each motor.

now the whole idea is that i have an astable setup which powers the motor and the leds.
this will make either motor swithc on and off and will make the set up move in some direction, the direction isn't important. i just want it to move around on the floor.

so far what i have done is i used 2 transistors 2n2219a to make the astable setup. but my issue is powering the motors. also i thought of using a solar panel as a switch so that only when its in some light source, the robot will activate. instead of me adding a normal switch to it. any idea's? oh btw i wanted to keep batteries to a minimum, cause with the leds alone it can be powered with 2 rechargable 1.2v 800 mAH batteries. the motors are very small, like the ones you would find in an old walkman. the cassette players
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