minibike magneto help!

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New Member
I have a baja doodlebug.. yes, cheap bike. But I'd like to add the features of most other bikes but I would like to start with an electrical system.. I wanna put a 12 volt battery on it and have the magneto charge it.. then I would like front and tail lights and a handlebar stereo.. maybe some LED strips but I need to know how to power all those things from the battery, with the magneto to charge the battery.. any suggestions or help would he great! Maybe schematics or such.. but I don't know a whole lot about circuits or electronics but I am learning so please explain well.. thank you!!!
I'm assuming you mean "generator" or "alternator" instead of "magneto". The "magneto" is the ignition coil, that generates the spark to light the fuel/air mixture in the cylinders.
If your bike presently has no lights does it even have an alternator/generator?

According to the Owner's Manual for the bike, this is the complete electrical system! I see no prospect of getting a battery charged from this:
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Well I was thinking maybe the magneto could charge a battery and the battery could power some stuff but if not then that's fine. I just seen a few things that made me think I could steal from the magneto to charge a battery.. but I don't know many of the basics and everyone here is smart (some) and I thought someone would know about this
Knowing how manufacturers in general pare everything down to the minimum they can get away with these days I doubt the magneto has power to spare for battery charging; but I could be wrong . The extra load would probably kill the spark.
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