I am a hardware on the bench type of guy
You can have an ideal mixer by multiplying one input voltage with another, but simple analogue simulation often looks for the DC working point and does a linear simulation around that which isn't going to get you anywhere as far as producing signals that weren't there to start with. You could do a transient analysis and FFT the output, but you need enough lifetime or enough hardware to get the result. Try using a switching mixer - There's some here. The transmission gate they used could be suitable for you, and a lot easier than simulating a Gilbert cell. I observe they did a .tran and then stuffed this into their FFT.
It's not theoretically unreasonable to end up with infinite signal if you are taking a multiplier and feeding the output back to the input, depends how much you feed back. That's not going to happen in the real world because you will get to the supply rail soon enough.
gilbert cell is double balanced and eliminates those harmonics
People sweated buckets over many many years to try and make the double-balanced mixer approximate as closely as possible the transfer function Vo = Vrf * Vlo. If you make Vrf and Vlo sinewaves, you get the results you described originally, the reason why is described in
this PDF. A Gilbert cell is a specific example of a DBM, but as soon as you reach the limits of the device the transfer function goes to pot. You get a lot more than f1 + f2 and |f1-f2|. The whole point of a DBM is to get
just f1 + f2 and |f1-f2| or as near as damnit. It's depressingly easy to get 2f1 +/- f2 and all sorts of other products, welcome to the
third-order intercept point
If you simply wanted a lot of mush with as many harmonics as you can get you can have life a lot simpler. Add the two sinewave inputs f1 and f2 together linearly and stick the combination through a comparator, which is about as much nonlinearity and you can get. Or square f1 and f2 up which
already gives you a hefty set of odd harmonics on each signal and bang the result through an XOR gate, which is a sort of poor man's digital multiplier. If you wanted to do that on the bench then use a
CD4046 PLL IC, set the VCO up for your local oscillator, take your F2 in AC coupled via a capacitor to pin 14, wire VCO out on pin3 to comparator in on pin 4 and pick your output from pin 1 - phase comparator 1 out, which happens to be an XOR gate. Lots of nasty noise
The principle can be taken further easier in the digital domain - you can feed the output back to the input easier in the digital domain than your current aims in the analogue domain. f1 and f2 end up generating very noise-like hash - this is the principle behind the
pseudo-random binary sequence generator which can be
**broken link removed** which probably shows you what you would get in the end - noise.
I'd suggest you back up a bit and ask yourself the more fundamental question - exactly what are you trying to do here?