Thanks for the feedback. So, it seems that my hunches were right. Electronics components distributer websites are notorius for the wrong information.
A 2 pin connector would be depicted as a 10 pin connector picture. Sometimes, it the wrong part of an assembly that's pictured. Not having one to ask though is even more frustrating as you found out. with your options a 5.5/2.1 "fits" a 5.5/2.5 connector, but it's the wrong one.
Glad your happy.
EDIT: FWIW: Continuity worked for you. It;s important to not do continuity measurements on a powered circuit. Polarity would have been a "better" choice.
A 2 pin connector would be depicted as a 10 pin connector picture. Sometimes, it the wrong part of an assembly that's pictured. Not having one to ask though is even more frustrating as you found out. with your options a 5.5/2.1 "fits" a 5.5/2.5 connector, but it's the wrong one.
Glad your happy.
EDIT: FWIW: Continuity worked for you. It;s important to not do continuity measurements on a powered circuit. Polarity would have been a "better" choice.
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