Many years ago I wired several rooms in the house to be motion sensitive. We entered the house through back door through the kitchen. Any time we came in day or night kitchen light came on. I adjusted the light sensitive finally thought i had it set right but any change in outside light, dark, day time, cloudy rainy day, cloud passes in front of the sun, lights came on even if not needed. I adjusted the on/off timer and sensitivity so unnecessary light would go off quick but if your in the kitchen not moving light goes off you have to keep waving your arms to get the light on again. Get light to work perfect after dark it wont work in the day. Get light to work during the day it wont work after dark. LOL.
I had the same problem with the bed room light finally had is set perfect but middle of the night anytime someone rolls over light comes on, pull the blanket light comes on, gets out of bed to pee light comes on. I set the light to go off quick it was irritating all night to have the light come on 20 times for 1 minute each time.
I had motion light in the living room too. Laying on sofa watching TV not moving light goes off. I adjusted TV brightness for lights off but anytime someone comes into the room or moves light comes on. With light going on/off TV brightness was never right.
LOL it was so funny and irritating I finally removed all the motion detectors.
Have FUN. Don't get frustrated. Keep working on it to make it work right if that is possible.