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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Modify the bad word list.

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I honestly didn't think that swearing would be a problem. I have only seen a couple out of hundreds of posts where there was even a hint of swearing. This is a pretty clean forum, so no need to worry in my book. Still, don't swear. I know I have I fess up etc.

EDIT: Used bad grammar:

a couple hundreds of posts <-- oops
a couple out of hundreds of posts <--Better :D
Honestly, who the **** cares? Nothing wrong with expletives, used properly they aid rather than degrade a conversation.
Thanks for clearing this all up, no swearing, that's fine by me.
He's alright these days, fair enough, he made a couple of mistakes but he learned from them and enough people have forgiven him enough for him to reclaim the green square.
Yup, I had -156 reputation :D
Never want to go that way again :)
I love my laptop :D :D :D :D
Lets just drop this, if you swear prepare for the reprocussions or edit it out.
Krumlink said:
Lets just drop this, if you swear prepare for the reprocussions or edit it out.
*gosh* They grow up so fast.
Good job, Krumlink. You're not all that bad, after all :).
I don't think there was ever much of a problem with language. The 'bad words' were used sparingly and appropriately. Then again, last thursday, I got written up at work, for using 'vulgar' language. No big deal, kind of funny actually. I got this sort of lazy co-worker about 8 months ago. He's starting to realize that I expect him to do his work, and I won't just do the bulk of it myself, or take crap for falling behind. I take this to be the final weak attempt to get things his way. He'll move on soon...
Yegh. The weird minds of kids today.
It wasn't meant to be weird. It was just a statement regarding the fact that you seem to finally have some sense :p.

Ah well.
HarveyH42 said:
I don't think there was ever much of a problem with language. The 'bad words' were used sparingly and appropriately. Then again, last thursday, I got written up at work, for using 'vulgar' language. No big deal, kind of funny actually. I got this sort of lazy co-worker about 8 months ago. He's starting to realize that I expect him to do his work, and I won't just do the bulk of it myself, or take crap for falling behind. I take this to be the final weak attempt to get things his way. He'll move on soon...
I take it you swore at him?

Did anyone else witness it?

If not, I'd just deny it, it's his word against yours.

He obviously deserved it.

Did you explain to your boss why you swore at him?

I don't see the big deal, people have sworn at me at work and I've sworn at them. If everyone had a warning for every time they've sworn at someone at work then half the workforce would probably have been sacked by now.

I'm not saying swearing at people is good, you're better dealing with your conflicts with people in a peaceful manner, even if they're aggressive to you, it doesn't mean you should be aggressive back, in fact being clam often gives you the upper hand.

I remember when someone starting getting aggressive I disagreed with him about something, just said "Just because you disagree, there's no need to be aggressive with me." in a calm manner, "I'NOT BEING &%$ING AGGRESSIVE WITH YOU LITTLE %^$%$%! he shouted, I found it very hard not to burst out laughing, I could have said something but I'm not the kind of person to deliberately wind people up.:D
I doubt I used anything that would normally offend a man working in a warehouse. I think it was more the tone I used. I'm kind of a large man, so I keep the agressive behavior in check, which is usually more effective.

The supervisor is well aware of the problems we have, but not she can do without seeing it for herself. I wrote my side of the incident down on the paper, so any future actions will be compared and reviewed. It wasn't really a bad thing for me, now there is documentation to work with.

He's not the worst employee I've gotten stuck with over the years, but probably the most annoying. He needs an audience to motivate him to work. Nobody babysitting him, does little to nothing. Kind of feels like the company uses me to get rid of some of the less productive employees they have trouble catching slacking off.
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