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More inchworm help needed

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blueroomelectronics said:
What is the target chip?

A 12F509 or 16F54?

Its actually a 12F683. The only 2 chips I have currently are the 16F54 and the 12F683. The 683 dosn't have enough pins for the project I am currently trying to learn all this for, but I thought maybe I'd have better luck with the 683's internal ocsillator to get somthing up and running to play with.

kchriste - Thanks for the reply, I will give both those a try tomarrow.
Andy1845c said:
Its actually a 12F683.

The program should be something like this:

	list p=[b]12F683[/b]	
  	include ""
	;__CONFIG directive: choose oscillator type, code protection, etc.   

init    ;configuration: TRISIO, [u]analog inputs[/u], etc. This is the difficult                                       

main    bcf    GPIO, 2	      ;GPIO2 low (LED coonected to +Vcc)
        ;bsf    GPIO, 2	       ;GPIO2 high(LED connected to GND)
loop    goto loop	      ;loop forever

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The 12F683 is a rather more complex chip than a 12F509.

I don't have one handy but you need to turn off the comparator and A/D will default to analog.

;*** WDT reset toggles GP2
  list p=12F683
  include <>
  org 0
  movlw 0x7
  movwf CMCON0
  banksel ANSEL
  clrf ANSEL
  movlw b'00001110'
  movwf OPTION_REG
  movlw b'11111011'
  tris GPIO
  banksel GPIO
  movlw b'00000100'
  xorwf GPIO, f
Bill - THAT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D

Eng1 - I got yours to work as well.

This must be my lucky night!!!

Can you tell i'm excited!!!!!! lol

Seriously, many many thanks to everyone that helped me with this. Now I feel re-inspired to learn to make it do more then blink:) But I think i'm gonna sit back and watch it blink for a while first:p
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