Its actually a 12F683. The only 2 chips I have currently are the 16F54 and the 12F683. The 683 dosn't have enough pins for the project I am currently trying to learn all this for, but I thought maybe I'd have better luck with the 683's internal ocsillator to get somthing up and running to play with.
kchriste - Thanks for the reply, I will give both those a try tomarrow.
list p=[b]12F683[/b]
include ""
;__CONFIG directive: choose oscillator type, code protection, etc.
init ;configuration: TRISIO, [u]analog inputs[/u], etc. This is the difficult
main bcf GPIO, 2 ;GPIO2 low (LED coonected to +Vcc)
;bsf GPIO, 2 ;GPIO2 high(LED connected to GND)
loop goto loop ;loop forever
Seriously, many many thanks to everyone that helped me with this. Now I feel re-inspired to learn to make it do more then blink But I think i'm gonna sit back and watch it blink for a while first