Moron needs help with laser project.

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Can anybody out there help me build a laser triggered burglar alarm? I don't know where to start.
Any design requires your applications restraints.

Don't let the word "laser" confuse you with its exotic connotations.
First figure out what your trying to protect...front entrance? side door? back loading bay and windows? The whole warehouse the front and rear entrances?

Figure out what your trying to accomplish and get back to us K?
I have this idea of making small relay points, that you can change position, like using pieces of glass to transfer the laser beam in any angle desired and create a pattern that can accomodate any type of structure or place, with a reciever at the end to which I can wire a speaker of some sort that will turn on whenever there is a break in the laser pattern.

Is it possible to create something like that?

I've been planning to build one for our electronics fare and use it at home afterwards. If any of you have any idea how to start this project I'd be most happy to hear from you. Thanks :shock:
As u can tell, i whipped this up in paint, so excuse my poor graphics. Neway, i always like to go for the simpler circuit. I think that this will work quite nicely, could someone tell me if it won't though, i dont wanna mislead poor dexel.

The light sensing circuit will let current flow through the transistor when there is no light on the sensor. This will then activate the SCR which will stay on as long as current flows through it. That's the point of the normally closed pushbutton switch. When you hit this, it reset the buzzer. Neway, thats the way i think that it should work. It probably needs a resistor to protect the SCR, but I don't really know.

You could add a delay for birds flying through the beam (but what are the chances of that? :roll: ) like on chemelec's.

This here's about as simple as it gets


  • laser_alarm.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 528
Hey, thanks to all those who took some time off to help me
I really appreciate it. Anyways I'm trying to build one right now and I hope you can all help me again if I encounter another problem. Thanks again.[/quote]
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