mosfet amp transistors getting HOT!

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I can change that along with adding part values.
Using DIPTRACE instead of EXPRESS PCb. A learning curve but much better as it does rule checks, net lists etc.
Very similar to EAGLE but not the steep learning curve.
Will revise the schematic.
new schematic picture

changed the background color, schematic origin etc.
this looks better, sorry for the original schematic post.
Only thing I failed to do was change the 1K resistors to 330 ohm.
I studied the schematic closely and realized that with a 1K resistor the 2n4401 transistors are passing 12ma but with the 330 ohm resistors we only pass 36ma.
Well withing range of transistor. Base resistors should be good to go as well.
Now to order the SMD stuff that I do not have as well as heat sinks.
Thats another concern I have, heat sink specs. But we should be ok as the heat build up is minimal when exposed to air flow (going to mount under the hood).
Hopefully it won't get to warm. Plan is to mount a unit, drive for an hour and see if the unit is too hot. thought about a thermometer for measurement.


  • cr smd white.png
    36.2 KB · Views: 203
circuit suggestion?

was posted on another forum and IMO the resistors would act as a volume control?
I notice the P channels are below the N channel mosfets.


  • fet_brige.PNG
    1.6 KB · Views: 192
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