I have the need to drive two MOSFET boards in opposition.
When signal from the signal generator (5v Arduino type signal)
I want two have two MOSFET boards operation is opposed
When signal is high MosFet 1 is on and MOSFET 2 is off
When signal is low, MOSFET 1 is off and MOSFET 2 is On.
Does anyone know any inexpensive boards with a jumper to reverse logic? Or a way to easily accomplish this.
NOT gate is Device which gives output always the inverse of INPUT. NOT gate also called an INVERTER and which has only one input and only one output. The main function of inverter (NOT gate) is the invert the input signal at ouput. Low input gives a high output Truth table. .You get here working...
I have the need to drive two MOSFET boards in opposition.
When signal from the signal generator (5v Arduino type signal)
I want two have two MOSFET boards operation is opposed
When signal is high MosFet 1 is on and MOSFET 2 is off
When signal is low, MOSFET 1 is off and MOSFET 2 is On.
Does anyone know any inexpensive boards with a jumper to reverse logic? Or a way to easily accomplish this.
Is this for an H-bridge? If so, you'll have to account for possible "shoot-through" with some small delays. Otherwise, a simple inverter or flip-flop circuit will work well.